The Director of BBC Television is Danny Cohen (above).
The BBC is very Jewish.

Ian Katz

James Harding
James Harding is the BBC's Director of News and Current Affairs and is thus in charge of the BBC's Panorama programme.
In 2011, Harding said: "I am pro-Israel. I believe in the State of Israel."
BBC Panorama child abuse show 'could stop victims coming forward'

John Mann
Panorama has already been criticised by Member of Parliament John Mann, who has tried to expose child abuse rings.
He tweeted last month: "Panorama ... Looking like a hatchet job on survivors."

The former child actor Terry Sue-Patt (above) played the part of the schoolboy Benny Green in the BBC children's TV series called Grange Hill.
Terry Sue-Patt was found dead in his home.
Terry Sue-Patt 'lay dead in his home for up to a month before his body was found' by police in Walthamstow in London.
Friend Lee MacDonald, 46, who played Zammo in Grange Hill, told the Sunday Mirror: 'It has been such a massive shock, I'm devastated.'
Terry Sue-Patt joined Grange Hill in 1978.
Terry Sue-Patt: Tragic Grange Hill star lay dead in his home for a MONTH - Mirror Online
Terry's younger brother, Michael, died in a car crash in Leyton, in London, in 1989.

Mark Eadie
What happened to the other child actors in Grange Hill?

Panorama is about to try to discredit some of the UK's child abuse whistleblowers.
This could suggest that the ultimate controllers of the top child abuse rings are the Mossad?
And it may be that the ultimate controllers of the BBC, protector of Jimmy Savile, are the Mossad?

Peter Saunders.
Peter Saunders, founder of the National Association of People Abused in Childhood, says if victims' stories are not handled sympathetically others will be less likely to speak out.
BBC Panorama child abuse show 'could stop victims coming forward'

John Mann
Panorama has already been criticised by Member of Parliament John Mann, who has tried to expose child abuse rings.
He tweeted last month: "Panorama ... Looking like a hatchet job on survivors."
Police investigating sex abuse claims against Sir Cliff Richard are ready to hand evidence files to prosecutors.

The former child actor Terry Sue-Patt (above) played the part of the schoolboy Benny Green in the BBC children's TV series called Grange Hill.
Terry Sue-Patt was found dead in his home.
Terry Sue-Patt 'lay dead in his home for up to a month before his body was found' by police in Walthamstow in London.
Friend Lee MacDonald, 46, who played Zammo in Grange Hill, told the Sunday Mirror: 'It has been such a massive shock, I'm devastated.'
Terry Sue-Patt joined Grange Hill in 1978.
Terry Sue-Patt: Tragic Grange Hill star lay dead in his home for a MONTH - Mirror Online
Terry's younger brother, Michael, died in a car crash in Leyton, in London, in 1989.

Mark Eadie
What happened to the other child actors in Grange Hill?
1. Mark Eadie was sexually abused by Rupert Massey a showbiz lawyer.
"The ex-actor, who has fought depression and a breakdown, was too ill to testify against Massey at the trial in Wolverhampton.
"In the late 70s, Mark was Andrew Stanton in Grange Hill... He met Massey at 14 and was invited to Bournemouth, where the lawyer lived."

Greville Janner, a top Jewish politician, used his Bournemouth holiday home to 'entertain' teenage boys. dailymail

2. Lee MacDonald, Zammo, hoped to make it as a boxer but a car crash at 21 cut short his career.

3. John Alford, Robbie, went to jail as a result of a 'drugs sting'.

Lee Towsey (Police)
"The ex-actor, who has fought depression and a breakdown, was too ill to testify against Massey at the trial in Wolverhampton.
"In the late 70s, Mark was Andrew Stanton in Grange Hill... He met Massey at 14 and was invited to Bournemouth, where the lawyer lived."

Greville Janner, a top Jewish politician, used his Bournemouth holiday home to 'entertain' teenage boys. dailymail

2. Lee MacDonald, Zammo, hoped to make it as a boxer but a car crash at 21 cut short his career.

3. John Alford, Robbie, went to jail as a result of a 'drugs sting'.

Lee Towsey (Police)
4. Lee Towsey was sexually abused at the Elm Guest House boy brothel, which has been linked to MI5.
At the Elm guest house child brothel in London, police officers reportedly had sex with underage boys.
Former child actor Lee Towsey has told a police investigation that, at the age of 16, he was sexually abused by various policemen at the brothel.
Lee Towsey slept with three people at the Elm Guest House.
Lee was contacted by detectives from Operation Fernbridge in 2012.
At the Elm guest house child brothel in London, police officers reportedly had sex with underage boys.
Former child actor Lee Towsey has told a police investigation that, at the age of 16, he was sexually abused by various policemen at the brothel.
Lee Towsey acted in the BBC's Doctor Who and the BBC's Grange Hill.
Vincent S. aged 10 yrs, from Grafton Children's Home, was taken to Elm Guest House (above) and to a house in Bexhill.
Reportedly, the customers at Elm guest house included top Conservative politicians, a world-famous pop star, judges, a member of the royal household and at least one agent of the security service MI5.

Reportedly, children from a children's care home were brought to the Elm guest house to be abused by members of the elite.
Reportedly, some of the children were taken by members of parliament to Holland to be abused.

Peter Hatton-Bornshin, victim of Elm guest house.
Allegedly, some of the children linked to Elm Guest House were murdered.
It is believed by some that the security services used children's homes throughout the UK as child brothels.
It is believed that Sir Jimmy Savile was one of those working for the security services.
Carole Kasir, who was allegedly murdered.
According to Lee Towsey: Carole Kasir, the owner of the brothel, paid protection money to the police.
Lee Towsey slept with three people at the Elm Guest House.
Lee says: "They all turned out to be police."
Lee was threatened by the police.
Lee was threatened by the police.
He says: "They told me they could pick me up at any time and told me keep my mouth shut."

Andrew Ash, victim of Elm guest house.

Andrew Ash, victim of Elm guest house.
Lee was contacted by detectives from Operation Fernbridge in 2012.
He says: "They haven’t moved anything on."
Member of Parliament Simon Danczuk says: "This isn’t just about Sir Cyril Smith. This is a much wider network of paedophiles."
Member of Parliament Simon Danczuk says: "This isn’t just about Sir Cyril Smith. This is a much wider network of paedophiles."

The Elm Guest House
Lee Towsey now runs a photographic business.
He has said that he fears for his life.

Ben Fellows
According to former child actor Ben Fellows, the British entertainment industry is crawling with pedophiles,.
"I ran a gauntlet of pedophiles - both at the BBC and at other television production companies, and also in theatres, as well as on commercial photo shoots...
"I was chased around the dressing room by a naked actor who had invited me into their dressing room at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane - and this actor was extremely famous.
"I was advised by the director of the musical that I was not to complain, or tell anyone of this incident. I was thirteen years old... so I didn't."
On one occasion he was seduced by a female BBC producer who regularly had sex with teenage boys.
On another occasion he was reportedly molested by cabinet minister Ken Clarke MP, who reportedly gave him alcohol and groped his penis through his trousers.
Fellows says he knows child actors who committed suicide because of the abuse they suffered.
Satanist Pedophiles Rule Great Britain -

The Elm Guest House
Lee Towsey now runs a photographic business.
He has said that he fears for his life.

Ben Fellows
"I ran a gauntlet of pedophiles - both at the BBC and at other television production companies, and also in theatres, as well as on commercial photo shoots...
"I was chased around the dressing room by a naked actor who had invited me into their dressing room at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane - and this actor was extremely famous.
"I was advised by the director of the musical that I was not to complain, or tell anyone of this incident. I was thirteen years old... so I didn't."
On another occasion he was reportedly molested by cabinet minister Ken Clarke MP, who reportedly gave him alcohol and groped his penis through his trousers.
Fellows says he knows child actors who committed suicide because of the abuse they suffered.
Satanist Pedophiles Rule Great Britain -
Above we see Mark Regev, the Ambassador of Israel to the United Kingdom.
Part of Mark Regev's job is to get the BBC to cover up Israel's abuse of children?
Above we see Daniel Foggo who is BBC Panorama's reporter on the Westminster child abuse network.

Police investigate BBC Panorama source over leak of Child Sex Abuse survivor's ID

Kyle Foggo (above) was the executive director (number three position) of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The BBC uses repetition to promote its lies.
The BBC uses smooth-talking men in smart suits, such as MARK REGEV (above), to promote its lies.

The BBC uses scripts prepared by MI6 and MI5.
The BBC is not neutral.
The above video gives clear examples of BBC bias.

When ISIS threatened to blow up Borobudur, there was no mention on the BBC of the many decades of support by MI6, Mossad and the CIA for the Islamist terrorists in Indonesia.
Indonesia's police on alert over apparent ISIS terror threat to Borobudur... /
Part of Mark Regev's job is to get the BBC to cover up Israel's abuse of children?

The BBC's Panorama is reportedly trying to smear the victims of the UK's top child abuse rings.

Revealed: Panorama's plans to smear survivors of child abuse
Panorama plans to smear abuse survivors, criticise Exaro and other media over their reports on VIP paedophiles, and undermine MPs who speak out...
Revealed: Panorama's plans to smear survivors of child abuse
Panorama plans to smear abuse survivors, criticise Exaro and other media over their reports on VIP paedophiles, and undermine MPs who speak out...
Police investigate BBC Panorama source over leak of Child Sex Abuse survivor's ID

The BBC uses smooth-talking men in smart suits, such as MARK REGEV (above), to promote its lies.

The BBC uses scripts prepared by MI6 and MI5.
The BBC is not neutral.
The above video gives clear examples of BBC bias.

When ISIS threatened to blow up Borobudur, there was no mention on the BBC of the many decades of support by MI6, Mossad and the CIA for the Islamist terrorists in Indonesia.
Indonesia's police on alert over apparent ISIS terror threat to Borobudur... /
The BBC employs easy-to-control child abusers.

Wing Commander Michael Cairns took part in operations in Bosnia and Kosovo.
MI6 spread lies to put Suharto into power, according to Foreign Office documents.
This was reported by the UK's Independent newspaper, 16 April 2000.
The sources for the following are:
DAVID MILLER, at Spinwatch, writes that journalists working for the Services Sound and Vision Corporation (SSVC) have provided news reports to the BBC.
The SSVC is funded by the Ministry of Defence as a propaganda operation.
Spinwatch reveals that Britain has fake journalists.
The government pays for their wages and they provide news as if they were normal journalists rather than paid propagandists.
Normally they work for British Forces Broadcasting Service, which is run by the SSVC.
In the case of Iraq, the BBC promoted the lie that the army (in illegal ocupation) was a 'peacekeeping' force.
BBC World Service is reportedly funded by the Foreign Office.
Former UK cabinet minister Michael Meacher wrote in the Guardian, November 21, 2003, about the UK government's Operation Rockingham, which was used to spread lies about Iraq.
David Kelly, giving evidence to the prime minister's intelligence and security committee, said: "Within the defence intelligence services I liaise with the Rockingham cell."
Former chief weapons inspector in Iraq, Scott Ritter, was a US military intelligence officer.
He declared, before the Iraq war, that almost all of Iraq's WMD had been destroyed as a result of inspections, and the rest either used or destroyed in the first Gulf war.
In the Scottish Sunday Herald in June 2003, Ritter said: "Operation Rockingham (set up by defence intelligence staff in 1991) cherry-picked intelligence.
"They had to sustain the allegation that Iraq had WMD [when] Unscom was showing the opposite...
"Rockingham staff were ... selectively culling [picking out] reports that sustained the [WMD] claims. They ignored the vast majority of the data which mitigated against such claims."
According to Michael Meacher: "Within the UK intelligence establishment... Rockingham clearly had a central, though covert, role in seeking to prove an active Iraqi WMD programme.
Ritter said: "Rockingham was the source of some very controversial information which led to inspections of a suspected ballistic missile site. We ... found nothing. However, our act of searching allowed the US and UK to say that the missiles existed."
Ritter says that Rockingham officers were acting on political orders "from the very highest levels".
It was revealed by sections of the Scottish press that the deputy director of the Lockerbie trial briefing unit at Glasgow University, Professor Andrew Fulton, was an MI6 intelligence officer.
The unit was supposed to provide "impartial and objective" legal information about the trial and was much used by the TV news programmes.
24/05/00 THE SCOTSMAN:
"Prof Fulton has been 'on holiday' since it was revealed that during his 30 year diplomatic career he was a key memberof the MI6 secret service in Europe, Asia and America."
Can you trust the BBC news? How many journalists are working for the security services?
Roy Greenslade, media specialist at the Telegraph (formerly at the Guardian), has written that most media outlets "are playthings of MI5."
Bloch and Fitzgerald, in their examination of covert UK warfare, report that the editor of “one of Britain’s most distinguished journals” believed that more than half its foreign correspondents were on the MI6 payroll.
And in 1991, Richard Norton-Taylor revealed in the Guardian that 500 prominent Britons paid by the CIA and the now defunct Bank of Commerce and Credit International, included 90 journalists.
And spy novelist John le Carré, who worked for MI6 between 1960 and 1964, has made the amazing statement that the British secret service then controlled large parts of the press – just as they may do today.
In 1975, following Senate hearings on the CIA, the reports of the Senate’s Church Committee and the House of Representatives’ Pike Committee highlighted the extent of agency recruitment of both British and US journalists.
And sources revealed that half the foreign staff of a British daily were on the MI6 payroll.
David Leigh, in The Wilson Plot, his seminal study of the way in which the secret service smeared through the mainstream media and destabilised the Government of Harold Wilson before his sudden resignation in 1976, quotes an MI5 officer: “We have somebody in every office in Fleet Street”
And the most famous whistleblower of all, Peter (Spycatcher) Wright, revealed that MI5 had agents in newspapers and publishing companies whose main role was to warn them of any forthcoming “embarrassing publications”.
Wright also disclosed that the Daily Mirror tycoon, Cecil King, “was a longstanding agent of ours” who “made it clear he would publish anything MI5 might care to leak in his direction”.
Selective details about Wilson and his secretary, Marcia Falkender, were leaked by the intelligence services to sympathetic Fleet Street journalists.
Wright comments: “No wonder Wilson was later to claim that he was the victim of a plot”. King was also closely involved in a scheme in 1968 to oust Prime Minister Harold Wilson and replace him with a coalition headed by Lord Mountbatten.
Hugh Cudlipp, editorial director of the Mirror from 1952 to 1974, was also closely linked to intelligence, according to Chris Horrie, in his recently published history of the newspaper.
David Walker, the Mirror’s foreign correspondent in the 1950s, was named as an MI6 agent following a security scandal while another Mirror journalist, Stanley Bonnet, admitted working for MI5 in the 1980s investigating the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
Maxwell and Mossad
According to Stephen Dorril, intelligence gathering during the miners’ strike of 1984-85 was helped by the fact that during the 1970s MI5’s F Branch had made a special effort to recruit industrial correspondents – with great success.
In 1991, just before his mysterious death, Mirror proprietor Robert Maxwell was accused by the US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh of acting for Mossad, the Israeli secret service, though Dorril suggests his links with MI6 were equally as strong.

Following the resignation from the Guardian of Richard Gott, its literary editor in December 1994 in the wake of allegations that he was a paid agent of the KGB, the role of journalists as spies suddenly came under the media spotlight – and many of the leaks were fascinating.
For instance, according to The Times editorial of 16 December 1994: “Many British journalists benefited from CIA or MI6 largesse during the Cold War.”
The intimate links between journalists and the secret services were highlighted in the autobiography of the eminent newscaster Sandy Gall.
He reports without any qualms how, after returning from one of his reporting assignments to Afghanistan, he was asked to lunch by the head of MI6.
And in January 2001, the renegade MI6 officer, Richard Tomlinson, claimed Dominic Lawson, the editor of the Sunday Telegraph and son of the former Tory chancellor, Nigel Lawson, provided journalistic cover for an MI6 officer on a mission to the Baltic to handle and debrief a young Russian diplomat who was spying for Britain.
Growing power of secret state
Since September 11 all of Fleet Street has been awash in warnings by anonymous intelligence sources of terrorist threats.
According to former Labour minister Michael Meacher, much of this disinformation was spread via sympathetic journalists by the Rockingham cell within the MoD.
A parallel exercise, through the office of Special Plans, was set up by Donald Rumsfeld in the US.
The BBC employs easy-to-control child abusers.

In a frumpy cardigan and sensible shoes, Daphne Park looked like Miss Marple.
The BBC has strong links to MI6, MI5 and their friends.
Baroness Park of Monmouth was a top MI6 spy. (Daphne Park, MI6 woman with a 30-year secret career. )
She became a governor of the BBC.
Dame Pauline Neville Jones was head of the UK's Joint Intelligence Committee.
The spooky Neville Jones became a BBC governor in 1998.
She has links with defence firm Qinetiq which supplies US forces in Iraq.
The BBC has strong links to MI6, MI5 and their friends.
Baroness Park of Monmouth was a top MI6 spy. (Daphne Park, MI6 woman with a 30-year secret career. )
She became a governor of the BBC.
Dame Pauline Neville Jones was head of the UK's Joint Intelligence Committee.
The spooky Neville Jones became a BBC governor in 1998.
She has links with defence firm Qinetiq which supplies US forces in Iraq.
(Dame Neville-Jones quits BBC after Iraq links exposed /aangirfan: David Cameron, Dame Pauline Neville-Jones and QinetiQ.)
Since 1937 BBC staff have apparently been vetted by the security services.
Since 1937 BBC staff have apparently been vetted by the security services.
MI6 Building?
Christopher Bower worked for the BBC World Service.
He also worked for the Guardian newspaper.
He became director of UK trade and investment at the British embassy in Moscow.
Russia now claims that Christopher Bower is a senior officer in the British secret service.
(London-Moscow relations worsen as the Kremlin brand a British envoy a spy )

Christopher Bower worked for the BBC World Service.
He also worked for the Guardian newspaper.
He became director of UK trade and investment at the British embassy in Moscow.
Russia now claims that Christopher Bower is a senior officer in the British secret service.
(London-Moscow relations worsen as the Kremlin brand a British envoy a spy )

Wing Commander Michael Cairns took part in operations in Bosnia and Kosovo.
('BIGGLES' QUITS Sunday Mirror Find Articles at
Cairns has been responsible for political output from the BBC in Norther Ireland.
Cairns was found out.
"A BBC editor has resigned his post within the British military after Sinn Féin raised conflict of interest concerns.
Cairns has been responsible for political output from the BBC in Norther Ireland.
Cairns was found out.
"A BBC editor has resigned his post within the British military after Sinn Féin raised conflict of interest concerns.
"RAF wing commander Mike Cairns resigned as OC 7644 VR Squadron after Sinn Féin complained that his work as a public relations officer for the RAF was incompatible with his job as a high-ranking BBC editor.
"Following Sinn Féin's complaint the BBC confirmed Mike Cairns who worked in news-gathering in the BBC had resigned from the RAF reserve." - An Phoblacht: BBC editor resigns from RAF post

"Following Sinn Féin's complaint the BBC confirmed Mike Cairns who worked in news-gathering in the BBC had resigned from the RAF reserve." - An Phoblacht: BBC editor resigns from RAF post

John Simpson (
Nicola Jones, writing in New Scientist, 19 November 2001, (Taliban nuclear documents mirror spoof article - 19 November 2001 ...) pointed out that 'Taliban nuclear documents' found by BBC reporter John Simpson were identical to a spoof article.
In 2001, John Simpson claimed he had found documents strewn on the floor of a Taliban recruitment centre in Kabul.
Nicola Jones, writing in New Scientist, 19 November 2001, (Taliban nuclear documents mirror spoof article - 19 November 2001 ...) pointed out that 'Taliban nuclear documents' found by BBC reporter John Simpson were identical to a spoof article.
In 2001, John Simpson claimed he had found documents strewn on the floor of a Taliban recruitment centre in Kabul.
He claimed these documents apparently described how to build a thermonuclear device.
The documents, according to Simpson showed "how dangerous Bin Laden's Al Qaeda network aspired to be".
According to the New Scientist:
The sentences shown in focus by the camera also come from a famous document called "Weekend Scientist: Let's Make a Thermonuclear Device", which was first published in 1979 as a humour piece by The Journal of Irreproducible Results.
John Simpson was a university friend of a former head of MI6.

The documents, according to Simpson showed "how dangerous Bin Laden's Al Qaeda network aspired to be".
According to the New Scientist:
The sentences shown in focus by the camera also come from a famous document called "Weekend Scientist: Let's Make a Thermonuclear Device", which was first published in 1979 as a humour piece by The Journal of Irreproducible Results.
John Simpson was a university friend of a former head of MI6.

MI6 spread lies to put Suharto into power, according to Foreign Office documents.
This was reported by the UK's Independent newspaper, 16 April 2000.
( /
Foreign Office documents show that the world's media was used by British intelligence as part of a plot to overthrow Indonesia's President Sukarno in the 1960s.
The BBC, the Observer and Reuters carried 'fake stories'manufactured by agents working for the Foreign Office.
Propaganda expert Norman Reddaway noted, in a letter to Britain's Jakarta ambassador Sir Andrew Gilchrist, that Gilchrist's stories were broadcast via the BBC.
This included an invented story that Indonesian communists were planning to slaughter the citizens of Jakarta.
Reddaway's letter suggests that the Observer newspaper was persuaded to take the Foreign Office "angle" on the Indonesian takeover by reporting a "kid glove coup without butchery".
Cabinet papers show that British spies, including MI6, supported Islamic guerrillas in order to destabilise Sukarno.
Former government minister Lord Healey said: "Norman Reddaway had an office in Singapore. They began to put out false information and I think that, to my horror on one occasion, they put forged documents on the bodies of Indonesian soldiers we had taken."
Lord Healey denied any personal knowledge of the MI6 campaign to arm opponents of Sukarno. But, he added: "I would certainly have supported it."
Foreign Office documents show that the world's media was used by British intelligence as part of a plot to overthrow Indonesia's President Sukarno in the 1960s.
The BBC, the Observer and Reuters carried 'fake stories'manufactured by agents working for the Foreign Office.
Propaganda expert Norman Reddaway noted, in a letter to Britain's Jakarta ambassador Sir Andrew Gilchrist, that Gilchrist's stories were broadcast via the BBC.
This included an invented story that Indonesian communists were planning to slaughter the citizens of Jakarta.
Reddaway's letter suggests that the Observer newspaper was persuaded to take the Foreign Office "angle" on the Indonesian takeover by reporting a "kid glove coup without butchery".
Cabinet papers show that British spies, including MI6, supported Islamic guerrillas in order to destabilise Sukarno.
Former government minister Lord Healey said: "Norman Reddaway had an office in Singapore. They began to put out false information and I think that, to my horror on one occasion, they put forged documents on the bodies of Indonesian soldiers we had taken."
Lord Healey denied any personal knowledge of the MI6 campaign to arm opponents of Sukarno. But, he added: "I would certainly have supported it."
The sources for the following are:
DAVID MILLER, at Spinwatch, writes that journalists working for the Services Sound and Vision Corporation (SSVC) have provided news reports to the BBC.
The SSVC is funded by the Ministry of Defence as a propaganda operation.
Spinwatch reveals that Britain has fake journalists.
The government pays for their wages and they provide news as if they were normal journalists rather than paid propagandists.
Normally they work for British Forces Broadcasting Service, which is run by the SSVC.
In the case of Iraq, the BBC promoted the lie that the army (in illegal ocupation) was a 'peacekeeping' force.
BBC World Service is reportedly funded by the Foreign Office.
Their journalists are employed by the SSVC, the Services Sound and Vision Corporation.
The UK Foreign Office reportedly runs a network of fake news operations.
One of these is allegedly British Satellite News.
BSN is broadcast over the Reuters World News Service.

The UK Foreign Office reportedly runs a network of fake news operations.
One of these is allegedly British Satellite News.
BSN is broadcast over the Reuters World News Service.

Former UK cabinet minister Michael Meacher wrote in the Guardian, November 21, 2003, about the UK government's Operation Rockingham, which was used to spread lies about Iraq.
David Kelly, giving evidence to the prime minister's intelligence and security committee, said: "Within the defence intelligence services I liaise with the Rockingham cell."
Former chief weapons inspector in Iraq, Scott Ritter, was a US military intelligence officer.
He declared, before the Iraq war, that almost all of Iraq's WMD had been destroyed as a result of inspections, and the rest either used or destroyed in the first Gulf war.
In the Scottish Sunday Herald in June 2003, Ritter said: "Operation Rockingham (set up by defence intelligence staff in 1991) cherry-picked intelligence.
"They had to sustain the allegation that Iraq had WMD [when] Unscom was showing the opposite...
"Rockingham staff were ... selectively culling [picking out] reports that sustained the [WMD] claims. They ignored the vast majority of the data which mitigated against such claims."
According to Michael Meacher: "Within the UK intelligence establishment... Rockingham clearly had a central, though covert, role in seeking to prove an active Iraqi WMD programme.
Ritter said: "Rockingham was the source of some very controversial information which led to inspections of a suspected ballistic missile site. We ... found nothing. However, our act of searching allowed the US and UK to say that the missiles existed."
Ritter says that Rockingham officers were acting on political orders "from the very highest levels".
It was revealed by sections of the Scottish press that the deputy director of the Lockerbie trial briefing unit at Glasgow University, Professor Andrew Fulton, was an MI6 intelligence officer.
The unit was supposed to provide "impartial and objective" legal information about the trial and was much used by the TV news programmes.
24/05/00 THE SCOTSMAN:
"Prof Fulton has been 'on holiday' since it was revealed that during his 30 year diplomatic career he was a key memberof the MI6 secret service in Europe, Asia and America."

Allegedly, Dominic Lawson, who has worked for the BBC, and who once edited the Sunday Telegraph, has links to MI6 and Princess Diana. (He now works for the Mail)
Can you trust the BBC news? How many journalists are working for the security services?
Roy Greenslade, media specialist at the Telegraph (formerly at the Guardian), has written that most media outlets "are playthings of MI5."
Bloch and Fitzgerald, in their examination of covert UK warfare, report that the editor of “one of Britain’s most distinguished journals” believed that more than half its foreign correspondents were on the MI6 payroll.
And in 1991, Richard Norton-Taylor revealed in the Guardian that 500 prominent Britons paid by the CIA and the now defunct Bank of Commerce and Credit International, included 90 journalists.

The BBC's Alvar Lidell served with the RAF as an intelligence officer
The following extracts are from an article at the excellent Medialens
March 3, 2006
HACKS AND SPOOKS - By Professor Richard Keeble
In their analysis of the contemporary secret state, Dorril and Ramsay gave the media a crucial role...
Going as far back as 1945, George Orwell no less became a war correspondent for the Observer - probably as a cover for intelligence work.
The following extracts are from an article at the excellent Medialens
March 3, 2006
HACKS AND SPOOKS - By Professor Richard Keeble
In their analysis of the contemporary secret state, Dorril and Ramsay gave the media a crucial role...
Going as far back as 1945, George Orwell no less became a war correspondent for the Observer - probably as a cover for intelligence work.
Significantly most of the men he met in Paris on his assignment, Freddie Ayer, Malcolm Muggeridge, Ernest Hemingway were either working for the intelligence services or had close links to them.
Stephen Dorril, in his seminal history of MI6, reports that Orwell attended a meeting in Paris of resistance fighters on behalf of David Astor, his editor at the Observer and leader of the intelligence service’s unit liasing with the French resistance.
The release of Public Record Office documents in 1995 about some of the operations of the MI6-financed propaganda unit, the Information Research Department of the Foreign Office, threw light on this secret body - which even Orwell aided by sending them a list of “crypto-communists”.
Set up by the Labour government in 1948, it 'ran' dozens of Fleet Street journalists and a vast array of news agencies across the globe until it was closed down by Foreign Secretary David Owen in 1977.
According to John Pilger in the anti-colonial struggles in Kenya, Malaya and Cyprus, IRD was so successful that the journalism served up as a record of those episodes was a cocktail of the distorted and false in which the real aims and often atrocious behaviour of the British intelligence agencies was hidden.

Stephen Dorril, in his seminal history of MI6, reports that Orwell attended a meeting in Paris of resistance fighters on behalf of David Astor, his editor at the Observer and leader of the intelligence service’s unit liasing with the French resistance.
The release of Public Record Office documents in 1995 about some of the operations of the MI6-financed propaganda unit, the Information Research Department of the Foreign Office, threw light on this secret body - which even Orwell aided by sending them a list of “crypto-communists”.
Set up by the Labour government in 1948, it 'ran' dozens of Fleet Street journalists and a vast array of news agencies across the globe until it was closed down by Foreign Secretary David Owen in 1977.
According to John Pilger in the anti-colonial struggles in Kenya, Malaya and Cyprus, IRD was so successful that the journalism served up as a record of those episodes was a cocktail of the distorted and false in which the real aims and often atrocious behaviour of the British intelligence agencies was hidden.
And spy novelist John le Carré, who worked for MI6 between 1960 and 1964, has made the amazing statement that the British secret service then controlled large parts of the press – just as they may do today.
In 1975, following Senate hearings on the CIA, the reports of the Senate’s Church Committee and the House of Representatives’ Pike Committee highlighted the extent of agency recruitment of both British and US journalists.
And sources revealed that half the foreign staff of a British daily were on the MI6 payroll.
David Leigh, in The Wilson Plot, his seminal study of the way in which the secret service smeared through the mainstream media and destabilised the Government of Harold Wilson before his sudden resignation in 1976, quotes an MI5 officer: “We have somebody in every office in Fleet Street”
And the most famous whistleblower of all, Peter (Spycatcher) Wright, revealed that MI5 had agents in newspapers and publishing companies whose main role was to warn them of any forthcoming “embarrassing publications”.
Wright also disclosed that the Daily Mirror tycoon, Cecil King, “was a longstanding agent of ours” who “made it clear he would publish anything MI5 might care to leak in his direction”.

Selective details about Wilson and his secretary, Marcia Falkender, were leaked by the intelligence services to sympathetic Fleet Street journalists.
Wright comments: “No wonder Wilson was later to claim that he was the victim of a plot”. King was also closely involved in a scheme in 1968 to oust Prime Minister Harold Wilson and replace him with a coalition headed by Lord Mountbatten.
Hugh Cudlipp, editorial director of the Mirror from 1952 to 1974, was also closely linked to intelligence, according to Chris Horrie, in his recently published history of the newspaper.
David Walker, the Mirror’s foreign correspondent in the 1950s, was named as an MI6 agent following a security scandal while another Mirror journalist, Stanley Bonnet, admitted working for MI5 in the 1980s investigating the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
Maxwell and Mossad
According to Stephen Dorril, intelligence gathering during the miners’ strike of 1984-85 was helped by the fact that during the 1970s MI5’s F Branch had made a special effort to recruit industrial correspondents – with great success.
In 1991, just before his mysterious death, Mirror proprietor Robert Maxwell was accused by the US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh of acting for Mossad, the Israeli secret service, though Dorril suggests his links with MI6 were equally as strong.
Following the resignation from the Guardian of Richard Gott, its literary editor in December 1994 in the wake of allegations that he was a paid agent of the KGB, the role of journalists as spies suddenly came under the media spotlight – and many of the leaks were fascinating.
For instance, according to The Times editorial of 16 December 1994: “Many British journalists benefited from CIA or MI6 largesse during the Cold War.”
The intimate links between journalists and the secret services were highlighted in the autobiography of the eminent newscaster Sandy Gall.
He reports without any qualms how, after returning from one of his reporting assignments to Afghanistan, he was asked to lunch by the head of MI6.
And in January 2001, the renegade MI6 officer, Richard Tomlinson, claimed Dominic Lawson, the editor of the Sunday Telegraph and son of the former Tory chancellor, Nigel Lawson, provided journalistic cover for an MI6 officer on a mission to the Baltic to handle and debrief a young Russian diplomat who was spying for Britain.
Growing power of secret state
Since September 11 all of Fleet Street has been awash in warnings by anonymous intelligence sources of terrorist threats.
According to former Labour minister Michael Meacher, much of this disinformation was spread via sympathetic journalists by the Rockingham cell within the MoD.
A parallel exercise, through the office of Special Plans, was set up by Donald Rumsfeld in the US.
Thus, to take just one example, Michael Evans, The Times defence correspondent, reported on 29 November 2002: “Saddam Hussein has ordered hundred of his officials to conceal weapons of mass destruction components in their homes to evade the prying eyes of the United Nations inspectors.” The source of these 'revelations' was said to be 'intelligence'...
Labels: BBC, Cliff Richard, Danny Cohen, Grange Hill, Ian Katz, James Harding, Panorama
seeing this took me back to my early days in east London, no mention here of peter wvngarde who was a ringleader in getting boys, barnardos homes was a constant target for homosexuals, such as actors and DJs, all boy child actors were promised a great future at the BBC if we played along and we were all abused sometimes on the premises it was an open secret. The abuse left me very disturbed and at age 18, 3 or 4 years later I went to the spiritualist church for comfort, this turned out to be even worse and was ridden with homosexual abusers, some very big names indeed. The spiritualist newspaper the psychic news had every single member of staff was homosexual, and we were taken to parties at a brighton seafront hotel, where boys were given drugged drinks and raped before bussing them back to various care homes. I have been in counselling for some years now on and off and I still live with it every day, I had a friend aged 13 who was a boyfreind of Greville Janner, he is a very evil man
Russia saves Syria, a Channel 4 News report. At last some almost unbiased reporting in the mainstream media. They do find one person who says, 'if Satan comes to save us from these terrors, I welcome him', but Satan is the US government, which is controlled by the US ruling class, which nearly always has been.
Look at how lovely and relaxed Syrian people seem, the western press prefers to just present Arabs as extremists and religious fanatics. But Syrians seem not far different from us. If it wasn't for the Western ruling class toppling Middle East democracies and replacing them with despots and brutal tyrants, the Middle East would have peaceful liberal cultures today.
Syria: Russian air strikes welcomed in Assad's heartland
Nottingham Police Station stormed in protest at Police protection of Government Paedophiles
Ronnie and Reggie Kray are almost like a comedy act in that clip, except they were brutal and sadistic murderers. They were probably psychopaths but perhaps they were abused as children too. I prefer to believe that psychopaths are made rather than born, in that way we might be able to rid the world of psychopaths one day and stop them from occurring.
Some say this capitalism era is going to implode and one day people will view it as psychopathic nightmare. Lets hope so.
I had to give up work due to stress. I was doing 60 to 70 hours a week in a very stressful job in both heavy machinery and electronics plus computers. The company held hardly any spares to save money, but wanted a one hundred percent success rate. The firm was always on the brink of collapse due to the competition, our jobs always under threat. It made us work harder and harder. I got burnt out and developed fibromyalgia, an incurable condition. The company used to employ 3 electrical engineers years ago but they cut it down to just one, me, while the job got harder and more complex.
Now I'm unemployed and I see people rushing to work going ten to a dozen all day. It's good that fibre, phone packages, have git cheaper in time but I know inside these companies there's hardly anyone there, and the few that are there are gong flat out doing everything at once.
With machinery going 24/7 knocking things out ten per second, lorries and traffic flat out each day, people doing extra ling hours getting home late. We have all this technology, which is a good thing, but do people have much time to enjoy it. People had a lot more spare time in the 60's and 70's and were happier, and people had lots of hobbies.
Back to the psychopaths:
Dr Bob Johnson was a psychiatrist Parkhurst Prison. He worked in the high security wing where they held the psychopaths murderers. He listened to their life stories which were usually appalling. One man was kept inside a box and fed through a little hole until he was 4. Bob Johnson managed to break down some of their psychopathology and some of these people would start crying, horrified at the terrible things they had done. Parkhurst was notorious for the prisoners setting off the fire alarms, but in Bob Jonson's ward they never did it.
The Thatcher government removed Bob Johnson from his post because they wanted to put in psychopathic psychiatrist who would be extra mean to the psychopaths. That was there style.
Dr Bob Johnson believes people can be cured from psychosis and personality disorder. He is a variant campaigner against the excessive use of psychiatric medicine which he says is poison.
Dr Bob Johnson:
"PSYCHOSIS mystifies – except that everyone, INCLUDING YOU, can agree two simple facts. FIRSTLY, there’s no psychosis without ‘thought disorder’, broken sentences, blocked phrases. If you don’t know this, then you fail your medical exams, and rightly so. SECONDLY, childhoods matter. OK so far? Problems thinking and problematic childhoods – can you suspend disbelief for a moment and blend these two long established facts, despite what you’ve been taught all your life?
Sam, a pseudonym, is now 45. Even so, this 5 minute audio clip (transcribed below) shows that he believes he is still “being hit” today, because, apparently, his father hit him so hard at age 2. He doesn’t want to believe this, any more than you do. So listen carefully to how he stumbles over the word ‘hit’, how he argues against the idea that he is currently stronger than his dad, even though the latter is now 74, and that even thinking he is stronger is ‘prohibited’ to him, by him. Whether he was actually hit or not, I don’t know, and I’m not interested – what matters is that he still thinks he is being hit today – and he isn’t, that is something I do know. The key is that he begins to feel ‘relief’ once today’s reality percolates through the cognitive mire.'
I edited the text slightly since you reblogged.
Reblogged xx
Many thanks for your detailed comment. I've quoted some of this in my most recent post.
- Aangirfan
Thank you for taking the time to read it. In hindsight I wished I had taken the middle bit out about capitalism and put it out as a separate post as well correct the typo's.
Ben Fellows comment ... chased around the dressing room by a naked....
This comment could fall into any place of work for example a hospital theatre changing room where Surgeons could enter the female changing room and parade around in their boxer shorts!!!!!!
Left BBC to take a job with Amazon - rumours.
Isn't Amazon Jewish - again keeping it in the family and looking after ones own.
Wasn't it Chris Evan's who mentioned this on his morning Radio 2 program - 14/10/2015.
Why was Chris Evans in such high spirits about this as yet unconfirmed news?
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